I did succeed on some goals this month. Both of my male cats finally got neutered. This will help significantly to prevent anymore kitties. Bo is having trouble recovering and has had a slight cough since. Gizmo is fine but angry. I would be angry if someone removed my ovaries, so I understand.

No garden yet, but yard work happened. I am moving the winter wardrobe out and the spring one in, so a lot of in-house work. I also made some cherry gelatin. I didn’t can as much from the freezers as I had hoped. Wish me luck. I need to get at least one freezer empty before June. It’s not hard work just uses a lot os propane and time consuming. Not to mention…dishes. Without a functioning dishwasher, it’s been a pain.

Chickens have been off and on about eggs, thanks to the weather arguing between spring and winter still. Very odd for this time of year to have cold snaps, but not completely unheard of you know. I am thankful that my Salmon Faverolles have been laying. The other girls must have been traumatized by the weather! They quit laying almost immediately.

No news on Lucy. I’m fairly certain that’s not good.

I got my son a braille reading program. Not sure hopw well it will work.

Saved $7 a month by closing a bank account that charged me for the privilege of banking there.

Next Month’s Goals

  • Work on Yellow Root Farm at least once that month and weekly if they don’t mind
  • Increase my income (always) through creative projects. (This requires educating myself more)
  • Start saving more of my money to rebuild my month ahead fund
  • Save money to go get Lucy from Oklahoma in June
  • Cull and process roosters (even the escapees)
  • Cull and process two ducks
  • Continue adopting out the kitties
  • Go through all winter clothing and donate anything that doesn’t fit. (I still have kids clothes from my children that have their own kids)
  • Apply for Lifeline to drop my internet bill $10
  • Really find ways to reduce my gasoline use…this has been a HUGE budget buster
  • Work with my doctor to move away from insulin if possible (He doesn’t think it is possible. I don’t know)

I know this isn’t the best list to get ahead, but every step counts. Especially when I am facing court for Lucy. I have no idea how that will go.