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I slept very briefly last night, but in that time I had a dream. I was in a room and the only light was one lonely candle. It was on a nondescript table. It would shine bright, all alone, but the light only reached so far. Now some force in the room didn’t like the candle shining and so blew on it by whispering various incantations. The candle wavered a little in the wind, but even when the breeze picked up, it never went out. It flickered and danced. It dimmed and at times it appeared to almost go out, but it never did. A booming all encompassing voice spoke loudly and said to me, “You must be that flame.”

I was a bit confused when suddenly, I saw in another room another woman. At first, I thought it was me watching myself, but it was clear this person was not me when I watched her actions. The woman stood in the dark cursing the candle for being so bright that it outshined her. Then she cursed it for being too dim to illuminate her. Then she swatted at it and cursed it for flickering a bit. The flame bopped about violently but never went completely out.

I asked, “What is this?” “Who is this?”

“At one time, you were that woman. Now you are the flame on the candle.” The loud booming voice that came from the heavens spoke. “You must remain lit in the face of the wind. The candle can not go out. No matter what….” That last bit echoed in my ears.

“Okay,” I said slowly and confused. “What happens if it does?” Just as I asked the woman successfully blew the flame out and suddenly the world was pitch black. I could see nothing. I could no longer see the woman. I could no longer see the candle or the table it was on. I couldn’t see the room. It was just pitch black.

The voice returned, “This is what happens for someone you love.”

A shiver crawled through my spine and settled into a cramp in my back. My blood ran ice cold. It wasn’t the horror of war, or pain or death…it was just the complete desolation of the darkness. The lack of ability to ever see the light. Being separated from all light and knowledge. It was the end of all things and yet living to see the end of all things. It was the void. “God,”…I said absently.

“Yes,” the reply came.

I shook my head out of the daze of horror that just was shown before me. “I just,” stammered. “I just can’t believe how much that one little candle illuminated everything. I can’t believe how much it gave life and hope.”

“Believe it,” the voice commanded. “Come with me,” the voice beckoned and soon we were outside under a beautiful spring sky. Birds tweeted and the sun was shining. Little yellow flowers bloomed and spring grasshoppers went their merry way. I walked through the lush clover and my feet were tickled by the leaves. I could smell the clover and hear the humming of bees. My rabbits were in their hutches and my chickens were in a nice cozy shed. My little pig had upgraded digs and oinked happily. Itty Bits and Pudgy rubbed my legs and purred like they always do when I go outside. I could see my son in the backyard talking to one of the roosters. In the back, were raised garden beds with various vegetables popping up above the soil. “This is your garden.” The voice announced.

“Mine?” I asked surprised. I touched my chest as I asked and then twirled 360 degrees around to drink it all in. I felt like I landed in heaven. It was very much like my home, but better kept up and loved on.

“Yes,” the voice continued. “This is the garden of your heart. This is your peace. This is what allows your light to shine.” I felt a warm radiant glow on my skin. “Tend it carefully. It is a gift. Your light depends on it and your loved one depends on your light.” Then I awoke.

I need to tend the garden of my heart better so the light shines for my loved one.