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It’s Sunday, the Lord’s day, but I will not be at church. After my last encounter, I will be here at home, probably working and wishing there were some place of solace to find relief. Even the church is corruptable out here in the sticks. This breaks my heart. The only place to find solace is with in the quiet hours of peace and reflection I find myself slipping into in the night time and early morning hours. Even then it is a short lived space usually filled with shivering and sadness for grievances and burdens not lifted.

The coldness of the season is lifting, but the darkness of spirit does not. It is as if I have been permanently attacked. Feeling now that I have lost two of my seven. Only a mother can grieve this hard for a living soul. Only a mother can feel like her heart is being ripped out of her piece by piece, one child at a time, as they all are going from me. I don’t care how they live, so long as they are free to live as they wish and they know me as their mother. One does not know me well and the other has just lost her freedom for light and transient reasons. The state assaults my family in that case. Actually in both cases one could argue the state did indeed take these precious pieces of my heart from me.

I am still fighting for my daughter, but in this moment I feel hopeless. Friday I found that the attorney I expected to retain was not reatined and that is a mystery to me. I haven’t the funds ot secure him by myself. I had thought the other side of the family would, btu apparently they are too busy in fighting to do the right thing and at least bring Lucy back home to family. I expect to fight this battle alone, without expert advice, and $200 to my name. God…why do you allow this to happen to me?

If you want to help http://www.givesendgo.com/lucy I am praying for a miracle.